Who We Are

Design, publishing, print and project management experts specializing in yearbooks. Scantex has been in the commercial print business for over 25 years. We are Ontario-based and all our production work, yearbook printing and shipping is done solely in Ontario.
Print & Publishing Pros

We can streamline all your creative print projects with our technical expertise, project management help and one-on-one customized training in Adobe CC.

Flexible Team Players

We’re the Pilates of Print. We understand that a great product takes time. We impose no deadlines but expect four-week turnover from final sign-off for delivery.

Budget Friendly Partners in Print

Technical expertise, production work, image retouching, printing, couriers, shipping…it’s all included in your original quote.

A 100% local Ontario COMPANY

All our production, printing and shipping is based in Ontario. We know where you’re coming from!

What We Do

Scantex offers its clients the highest level of support, quality, flexibility and value. No other yearbook company can provide the partnership and personalized service that Scantex excels at.
  • We offer an Online solution or Adobe Desktop Publishing option

    We support you! Using industry-standard Adobe Creative Cloud is an excellent real-world-skills way to give students a leg up in the fields of Communication, Publishing, Print, Design and Web. Alternatively, our online solution is easy to learn and use; requires no software purchase or installation. See Yearbook Services for more details.

  • We Offer Teaching Support, Technical Guidance and Project Planning Help

    Doing is learning but everyone needs a little help once in a while. Creating your yearbook should be a learning experience but not a painful one. Whether it's understanding InDesign, Photoshop, photography or print production, we are here to help. As a client, you can send us a request and if there is no tutorial available, we will create a video for you. Scantex offers in-class tutorials within the 416 and 905 area codes. That is what being local is about. A face, a name, and when needed, a hand. We also offer online training.

  • We Offer Student Bursaries to Qualifying Schools

    Qualifying schools are eligible to receive a student bursary. Ask your customer service rep for more information.

  • We offer quality customer service & local Ontario talent

    All our yearbook printing and shipping is done solely through local Ontario companies. We do not outsource our production work; we take great pride in partnering with local schools to provide the highest level of quality and customer service possible. Your yearbook quote includes all your costs. Oh, and all that extra help you may need—training, tutorials, tech advice, guideline manuals—that's on us.